Dots, Knots, Relics
by Hale Ekinci
January 10 - February 3, 2025
​Ekinci’s body of work is described as:
“Modern Textiles with an edge of nostalgia and a sense of history in place.”
Ekinci grew up immersed in a community of women crafting, often while sharing food, herbal remedies, and coffee readings. Upon emigrating to the United States, she became captivated by rituals from her heritage such as the use of amulets, and the cultural icons prevalent in her new environment such as party decorations. Rooted in her lived experience as a Middle Eastern immigrant woman becoming a “naturalized” American, she creates adorned mixed-media paintings, sculpture, and video embellished with vibrant colors, bold patterns, and autobiographical relics. Mixing textile crafts learned from family and Western fine arts traditions, her work explores the construction of identity through folklore, modes of communication, and gendered labor.
In her creative practice, she gathers and transfers black and white family photographs from her Turkish heritage, her Hoosier husband, and found migrant archives using solvents onto household textiles. These figures become part of intricate patterns through repetition and juxtaposition with botanical motifs, symbolizing collectivity.